What's up y'all? Y'all got your Bakugan on?
So dig this: March 28, I will lose the rights to the domain name www.bakuganaucombat.com.
I do NOT plan on renewing. I am sick of this cat-and-mouse game of renewing domain names. I got WAY TOO MANY vision quests to pursue with steely-eyed abandon to renew, no matter how much I love my Bakugans.
This blog will remain up. But you'll have to exert a little more fingerstroked energy because the URL will be....wait for it.....http://www.bakuganaucombat.blogspot.com. See how it's got that ".blogspot" in there? That's what's up, y'all.
Now, what does that mean for www.bakuganaucombat.com as a domain name? I'll tell you what it means. Now, hear this...
For those of you who've been waiting under the eaves for my Bakugan storm to subside, your time has come.
This may cause a run-on-the-bank-style mad dash for Bakugan supremecy at GoDaddy.com, but I gots to step aside and let you young lions roar. May the best humanoid win this race for registration.

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