Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bakugan au combat! For Christmas!

Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! And I will tell you, my Bakugan Friends, that the only thing more beautiful than this on Christmas morn...

Would be this nestled safely underneath its fully-boughed glory...
Seriously, mes amies du Bakugan, I am going to write Father Christmas, Santa Claus, Pere Noel and all their friends and ask them for a JAR OF SWEET BAKUGANS for Christmas!

Bakugan au combat this Christmas morn!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bakugan au combat! Let me hear it!

B to the A to the K to the U to the G to another A to the N to the space to the word au to another space to the C to the O to the M to the second B to yet another A to the T!

Put it all together and you've got the game that is to games what Krispy Kremes are to donuts!

Check out this awesome video this out! C'est en francais! C'est vrai, mes amis!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Bakugan au combat! In South Africa!

Who's got WORLD CUP FEVER?!?!

And I'm talking about the BAKUGAN WORLD CUP!

Can you imagine what would happen if 32 countries around the world competed by sending their best Bakugans into the playing field?


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bakugan au combat! Part 8

What's up y'all? Y'all got your Bakugan on?

So dig this: March 28, I will lose the rights to the domain name www.bakuganaucombat.com.

I do NOT plan on renewing. I am sick of this cat-and-mouse game of renewing domain names. I got WAY TOO MANY vision quests to pursue with steely-eyed abandon to renew, no matter how much I love my Bakugans.

This blog will remain up. But you'll have to exert a little more fingerstroked energy because the URL will be....wait for it.....http://www.bakuganaucombat.blogspot.com. See how it's got that ".blogspot" in there? That's what's up, y'all.

Now, what does that mean for www.bakuganaucombat.com as a domain name? I'll tell you what it means. Now, hear this...

For those of you who've been waiting under the eaves for my Bakugan storm to subside, your time has come.

This may cause a run-on-the-bank-style mad dash for Bakugan supremecy at GoDaddy.com, but I gots to step aside and let you young lions roar. May the best humanoid win this race for registration.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Leave me a Bakugan comment, my friends!!

Bakugan au combat!

Seriously, my friends, my countrymen, my Bakugan warriors - why is no one leaving comments on my sweet Bakuganaucombat.com website blog?

Bakugan is a thing we all love, right?

And it's good to talk about things we love, right?

And this is the ULTIMATE place to talk Bakugan (in my humble opinion).

So let's start with the comments! Even if you don't habla English, throw this text into a Google translator, or use Alta Vista's Babel Fish, and let's get rockin' on these Bakugan comments!

Click the [COMMENTS] button right now and leave me a comment or you, my buddy boy/girl, are not as serious about Bakugans as others might have supposed at one time or another!

Bakugan au combat!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bakugan au combat! Part 7

Anyone get any sweet Bakugans for Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanza?

I didn't get this sweet playing field, but that would have been totally awesome if I did.

We're two weeks into 2010! Can I get a what-what? And a B.A.C.? That stands for...wait for it...