Friday, January 21, 2011

Bakugan au combat! New Template! Field- Open!


What do you think about this new template for the blog? I am super-hyped around and about it!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bakugan au combat! To my Korean friends!

나의 독일 친구에, 여보세요! bakugan au 전투에 환영!

Bakugan au combat!

Bakugan au combat! To my German friends!

Zu meinen deutschen Freunden hallo! Willkommen zum Bakugan Aukampf!

This man points to the rollercoaster! Ride it! Big time!

Bakugan au combat!

2011: The Year of the Bakugan!

Bakugan au combat en 2011!

When I saw this calendar, I got so excited, I seriously almost threw up. Not that Bakugan grosses me out or anything. Please don't confuse that statement with something like, "When I saw the severed toe on the sidewalk, I almost threw up." Nothing like that. It's more like, "Bakugan 2011? That's so awesome, even the contents of my stomach want to check it out!"

The Play Field is open on 2011, mes amis!

Bakugan au combat!