Thursday, February 25, 2010

Leave me a Bakugan comment, my friends!!

Bakugan au combat!

Seriously, my friends, my countrymen, my Bakugan warriors - why is no one leaving comments on my sweet website blog?

Bakugan is a thing we all love, right?

And it's good to talk about things we love, right?

And this is the ULTIMATE place to talk Bakugan (in my humble opinion).

So let's start with the comments! Even if you don't habla English, throw this text into a Google translator, or use Alta Vista's Babel Fish, and let's get rockin' on these Bakugan comments!

Click the [COMMENTS] button right now and leave me a comment or you, my buddy boy/girl, are not as serious about Bakugans as others might have supposed at one time or another!

Bakugan au combat!!